Raising Learners

Education has the power to elevate humanity. It's a process of learning. And it starts at home. In the parents heart & mind


Transforming Education From The Inside Out

To create a positive and lasting impact on kids’ education, we focus on supporting parents as learners. By applying the science of learning to parenting, the Lab programs are designed to help parents acquire knowledge and develop mindsets & skillsets to create healthy learning foundations at home.

Parents Become

Role Models

for lifelong learning
Parents’ intentional practice, efforts, growing skills, and progress become visible to their kids.


of learning-oriented values

Parents’ progress cultivates a growth mindset, optimism, perseverance & more. 

Compassionate Mentors

for kids’ learning
Parents acquire knowledge & language to support their kids & cultivate a safe learning environment at home.

Hi there! I’m Liz.

I’m an optimist who strongly believes in the human ability to learn, change, and co-create a brighter future. I founded the Becoming Lab to inspire parents to educate by example and approach parenting as lifelong learners.

I’m committed to guiding parents on their journeys to becoming the role models they aspire to be, so that together we can make a positive change in our lives, at home and beyond.


The Lab Story

I’ve always believed that education has the power to elevate humanity. Two decades of diverse experiences led me to think about education from different angles – as a growth mindset learning specialist, an instructor, a research scientist, and as a nonviolent communication advocate. Through the years, I worked and supported students, educators, leaders, and parents.

My epiphany, though, only happened when I became a parent. My personal struggles as a full-time working parent shook my thinking to its core. I felt I was failing to be the parent I aspired to be. I quickly learned that many parents today share this experience. It troubled me deeply because parents are the first educators for their kids. They shape the journey of education. They shape the future.

Profoundly inspired by this insight, I embarked on a journey to discover why it’s so hard to parent as we aspire. I spent many years interviewing parents, learning from experts, and piloting programs with hundreds of parents. The results and insights were incredible and led me to believe that it was time to approach parenting differently — with the science of learning and parents in mind.

I founded Becoming Lab to go beyond just raising awareness, and created programs that would help parents grow as learners who model learning and progress toward their aspirations. I’m thrilled to bring together my life experiences, knowledge, and passion, and to share the Becoming Lab with like-minded parents — so that together, each of us can change our lives for the better.

Will you be part of our journey to empower a world of compassionate lifelong learners? I invite you to join us today.


Founder of Becoming Lab Mom of three


Making Learning Visible

The Becoming Lab reflects my passion for exploring, discovering, teaching and sharing insights from my journey. The experiences that shaped and nourished my growth include:

Guiding Ideas

“Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space lies our freedom and our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our happiness.”

― Viktor Frankl

“No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.”

― Nelson Mandela

“Most of us grew up speaking a language that encourages us to label, compare, demand, and pronounce judgments rather than to be aware of what we are feeling and needing.”

― Marshall B. Rosenberg

Lead With An Open Heart. Power The Journey With Curiosity.

Becoming Lab is a safe place to wonder, explore, experiment, and discover ways to lead your life and family as you deeply aspire.
Supporting your journey is our mission and passion.
Join Us Today!

Raising Learners

Education has the power to elevate humanity. It's a process of learning. And it starts at home. In the parents heart & mind.


Transforming Education From The Inside Out

To create a positive and lasting impact on kids’ education, we focus on supporting parents as learners. By applying the science of learning to parenting, the Lab programs are designed to help parents acquire knowledge and develop mindsets & skillsets to create healthy learning foundations at home.

Parents Become

Role Models

for lifelong learning

Parents’ intentional practice, efforts, and growing skills become visible to their kids.


of learning-oriented values

Parents’ progress cultivates a growth mindset, optimism, perseverance & more. 

Compassionate Mentors

for kids’ learning

Parents acquire knowledge & language to support their kids & cultivate a safe learning environment at home.

Hi there! I’m Liz.

I’m an optimist who strongly believes in the human ability to learn, change, and co-create a brighter future. I founded the Becoming Lab to inspire parents to educate by example and approach parenting as lifelong learners.

I’m committed to guiding parents on their journeys to becoming the role models they aspire to be, so that together we can make a positive change in our lives, at home and beyond.


The Lab Story

I’ve always believed that education has the power to elevate humanity. Two decades of diverse experiences led me to think about education from different angles – as a growth mindset learning specialist, an instructor, a research scientist, and as a nonviolent communication advocate. Through the years, I worked and supported students, educators, leaders, and parents.

My epiphany, though, only happened when I became a parent. My personal struggles as a full-time working parent shook my thinking to its core. I felt I was failing to be the parent I aspired to be. I quickly learned that many parents today share this experience. It troubled me deeply because parents are the first educators for their kids. They shape the journey of education. They shape the future.

Profoundly inspired by this insight, I embarked on a journey to discover why it’s so hard to parent as we aspire. I spent many years interviewing parents, learning from experts, and piloting programs with hundreds of parents. The results and insights were incredible and led me to believe that it was time to approach parenting differently — with the science of learning and parents in mind.

I founded Becoming Lab to go beyond just raising awareness, and created programs that would help parents grow as learners who model learning and progress toward their aspirations. I’m thrilled to bring together my life experiences, knowledge, and passion, and to share the Becoming Lab with like-minded parents — so that together, each of us can change our lives for the better.

Will you be part of our journey to empower a world of compassionate lifelong learners?

I invite you to join us today.


Founder of Becoming Lab
Mom of three


Making Learning Visible

The Becoming Lab reflects my passion for exploring, discovering, teaching and sharing insights from my journey. The experiences that shaped and nourished my growth include:

Guiding Ideas

“Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space lies our freedom and our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our happiness.”

― Viktor Frankl

“No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.”

― Nelson Mandela

“Most of us grew up speaking a language that encourages us to label, compare, demand, and pronounce judgments rather than to be aware of what we are feeling and needing.”

― Marshall B. Rosenberg

This is how
we roll

Lead With An Open Heart. Power The Journey With Curiosity.

Becoming Lab is a safe place to wonder, explore, experiment, and discover ways to lead your life and family as you deeply aspire.
Supporting your journey is our mission and passion.